The 13 Goals of a Witch
- Know yourself
- Know your craft
- Learn
- Apply knowledge with wisdom
- Achieve balance
- Keep your words in good order
- Keep your thoughts in good order
- Celebrate life
- Attune with the cycles of the Earth
- Breathe and eat correctly
- Exercise the body
- Meditate
- Honor the Goddess and the God
Copyright © 2000 - 2001
Kristen Helmer
Here is what I think of this. They are all wonderful goals to have. I think if everyone in the world followed these goals, it would be a beautiful place.
1. Know yourself, I need to work on this. I think I know myself, but I am also always changing, so then I start doubting myself, second guessing myself. I need to work on listening to my inner voice much more, because 99% of the time, it's right.
2. Know your craft, learning that now.
3. Learn, also currently, and always, working on that.
4. Apply knowledge with wisdom. Makes sense.
5. Achieve balance. This is a struggle for me. I need to learn to balance my needs with others, I usually only focus on others.
6. Keep your words in good order. Another struggle. I don't lie, I just am often a negative person, and I need to work on only speaking the positive.
7. Keep your thoughts in good order. The same, I struggle with worry and anxiety often. I would like to be more calm, peaceful and in the moment. To enjoy where I am, when I am there.
8. Celebrate life. Yes, a must!
9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth. Something I hope to learn from this course.
10. Breathe and eat correctly. Something we are about to embark on as a family because of Master's health.
11. Exercise the body. I need to work this back into my daily habits.
12. Meditate. Something I've been working on at night before bed.
13. Honor the Goddess and the God. I am looking to figure out how I want to do this.
All of these things are needed in my life. I am going to make this list a permanent page here, to refer to. This is a list to be working on always.
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