Saturday, March 29, 2014

Still here

And still working on learning about Wicca and witchcraft.  I'm working my way through the book, and the lessons, just much slower than I would like.

There is a big part of me that wants to jump in with both feet and start trying some things, but I'm going to wait.  I'm going to do more studying, and see what I think and what I want to try.

There are days where I feel what I'm reading is wrong, and there are days where I feel some of it sounds right to me.

This is my path, I don't have to agree with every faith 100%, I have to do what I feel is right and live with it.  It just doesn't help that what I feel is right changes from day to day.

We skipped church today, I was glad of that.  The last few times I was at church I just didn't feel like I was there mentally.  It's odd, cause this is the first year in a while I have had a hard time with Lent.  I usually give up something, like I did this year, and don't do meat on Fridays, but this is the first year I have been very impatient for it to be over.

I'm going to read a section of the book every night before bed and work my way through the lesson, and then we will see.

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