Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 1

Today I start my journey of studying Witchcraft/Wicca and seeing how I would like to incorperate that into my beliefs and spirituality.

I have found a Yahoo Group:  And I'm going to begin the Week 1 assignment.  I will use this blog, daily, to record my thoughts as I go on this journey.

I know I will struggle, I was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran, and converted to Catholicism about 5 years ago, when my daughter wanted to take communion,and the Lutheran church doesn't allow that till you are 13.  My husband is Catholic.  I am scared that I will make God made, but I also know in my heart of hearts that God loves me, and will lead me where he wants me to be in life, even if, at this current moment, I don't like where life is taking me.

I have also come to realize that I am an Empath.  I can feel other peoples emotions, and it causes big problems for me.  In doing research on this, I, once again, came across Wicca.  Many times in my life I have crossed paths with Wiccans, and I am becoming more and more interested in this path.

So, here we go. Let's see where this leads.

So, in week one, I am to explore my beliefs, and they gave me some questions to answer, I plan to do a certain amount of them, each day, and may also do some free flow rambling.

Is there a Divine Being?
Yes, I believe there is.  I was raised to believe in a Triune God, and I do believe there is a God, I also do believe in Jesus.  But, I also could admit that I have that wrong, that there is a God, but not the God I've been raised to believe in.

Is it male, female, both or neither?
I don't believe God has a sex, not in the way we think of it, I have been raised to refer to God as a male, and will probably continue to do so.  I'm torn if it's a God is both, or God is neither.  I would probably lean more toward both, because to me, God is everything, so God would be both sexes in that case.

How does the universe work?
I have no clue, but I believe anything is possible.  I believe that if God wants it to be so, it will be.  I believe in other worlds, that we are not the only living planet out there.

Are there angels?
Yes, I believe there are.  And I believe there are times they take on human form and walk among us, to help us, or guide us.

I will end there for now, I will do 3-4 questions and day.

I am excited to begin this journey.

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